Abstract Submission

There will be two categories of presentations related to Emergency Radiology. These will include Oral proffered papers and E-posters. The E-posters will further be of two types, that is, scientific E-posters and educational E-posters. The theme of the presentations will be diagnostic imaging or therapeutic interventions in emergency radiology.

The details of the abstract submission are as follows:

  1. The submission should comprise of a Title, Author list, Author affiliations, and Abstract.
  2. The title should not contain abbreviations and should be in sentence case (Bold).
  3. The author list should identify the presenting author (bold, underlined).
  4. The abstract for the oral proffered papers should comprise of the following sections: Introduction, Aim, Materials & Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  5. The abstract for the scientific E-poster should comprise of the following sections: Introduction, Aim, Materials & Methods, Results and Conclusion. The abstract for the educational E-poster should comprise of the following sections: Background, Learning Objectives, Imaging Findings or Details of the Procedure and Conclusion.
  6. The abstract should be sent as a word document with double spaced, 12 font format using Times New Roman or Arial.
  7. The exact body of the abstract excluding the title, author list and author affiliations should not exceed 250 words.
  8. The last date for abstract submission is 7th July, 2024.
  9. Notification about abstract acceptance or rejection will be sent by 15th July, 2024.
  10. The time allotted for the oral papers will be 10 minutes which will include 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q & As. The final e-poster presentation will comprise of 15 power point slides only.
  11. The presenting authors of the oral papers and E-posters will be entitled for free hotel accommodation for two nights on twin sharing basis.
  12. The best three oral proffered paper presenters will be given attractive prizes.